1. <meter id="dixvb"></meter>

      <meter id="dixvb"></meter>

      <dd id="dixvb"><font id="dixvb"></font></dd>

          Contact us
          Address: No.336 Heping Avenue                  Wuhan China
          Zip Code: 430060
          Tel:+86-27-86792064    86799855
          E-mail: nengshi@nengshi.com
          Website: www.lyhengdawood.com
          Process Sensor
          pH sensor

          Technical features

          Our company produces each kind of pH sensor, adopting German technology, and strictly according to its craft manufacture ! In order to guarantee the product quality, essential raw material is directly from overseas import. The majority of our company products is exported to U.S.A, Canada , Brazil , France, U.K , Germany , Spain , Russia , Australia , Korea , Southeast Asia and so on. Many years practice proved that each kind of pH sensor we produced has superior performance and reliable quality! Our seriation each kind of pH sensor, can widely apply in many industrial controlled process!

          • pH sensor for pure water
            Technical feature:·Adoptio
          • pH sensor for waste water
            Technical feature:·Adoptio
          • pH sensor for common process
            Technical feature:·Adoptio
          • pharmacy and fermentation industry
            Technical feature:·The mea
          • Digital pH sensor
            Technical feature:·The mea
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