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          Contact us
          Address: No.336 Heping Avenue                  Wuhan China
          Zip Code: 430060
          Tel:+86-27-86792064    86799855
          E-mail: nengshi@nengshi.com
          Website: www.lyhengdawood.com
          Digital Sensor
          Digital ORP sensor
          • Digital ORP sensor

            · It can convert analog signals to digital signals ,and it is a predictive digital ORP sensor.

            · Data stored in the sensor interface.

            · The date can close transmission but also long distance transmission .

            · The measured value is stable and reliable.

            · Measuring range: ± 2000mv. 

            · Temperature rang: -10-110.

            · Pressure range0.6MPa.

            · The external dimension of the sensor :Φ12×120,225mm or other size.

            Selection of model:

            · ASR2851D digital ORP sensor with thermistor and plug-in connection,glass body

            · ASR2811D digital ORP sensor with thermistor and fixed cable, glass body

          • Digital ORP sensor

            · It can convert analog signals to digital signals ,and it is a predictive digital ORP sensor.

            · Data stored in the sensor interface.

            · The date can close transmission but also long distance transmission .

            · The measured value is stable and reliable.

            · Measuring range: ± 2000mv. 

            · Temperature rang: -10-110.

            · Pressure range0.6MPa.

            · The external dimension of the sensor :Φ25*165mm or other size.

            Selection of model:

            · ASRS2801D digital ORP sensor with thermistor and fixed cable, plastic body

            · ASRS2851D digital ORP sensor with thermistor and plug-in connection,plastic body

          • RT3000 digital ORP module

            · It can directly connect with analog ORP sensor.

            · It can convert analog signals to digital signals .

            · The module output digital signal, which can be connected to the computer directly,and 

               display ORP value and temperature value.


            Selection of model:

            · RT3000 ORP digital module with RS485 output

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